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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 1, Issue 1, pp. 1-139

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Pseudoparabolic Partial Differential Equations

R. E. Showalter and T. W. Ting

pp. 1-26

On the Boundedness and the Stability of Solutions of Some Differential Equations of the Fourth Order

Martin Harrow

pp. 27-32

A Representation of Hankel Transformable Generalized Functions

E. L. Koh

pp. 33-36

On the Reduction of Differential Equations to Algebraic Equations

M. J. Moran and R. A. Gaggioli

pp. 37-40

Interpolation in the Solution Sets of Ordinary Differential Equations

Ronald M. Mathsen

pp. 41-51

Least Squares Methods for Ill-Posed Problems with a Prescribed Bound

Keith Miller

pp. 52-74

Certain Results Involving Generalized Hypergeometric Functions

H. M. Srivastava

pp. 75-81

On a Priori Bounds in the Cauchy Problem for Elliptic Equations

L. E. Payne

pp. 82-89

Applications of a Class of Singular Partial Differential Equations to Gegenbauer Series which Converge to Zero

David Colton

pp. 90-95

The Construction of Solutions for Boundary Value Problems by Function Theoretic Methods

R. P. Gilbert

pp. 96-114

Note on Contour Integral Representations for Products of Airy Functions

N. A. Logan and K. S. Yee

pp. 115-117

Asymptotic Expansion of Laplace Transforms Near the Origin

Richard A. Handelsman and John S. Lew

pp. 118-130

On the Hahn Polynomials

M. Wayne Wilson

pp. 131-139